The Cancer Conclave

The Cancer Conclave - 4th Feb 2023

Welcome & Introduction

Cancer Awareness, Screening & Early diagnosis. Where are we now and what are the solutions- India Centric?

Panel Discussion - Access to cancer treatment. Current milestones & way forward for cancer care for all, in India.

Panel Discussion - Caregiver’s challenges in cancer care. A Role Underestimated in Indian context?

Panel Discussion - Cancer Research & Research funding. How much we do & How much we can- If Funding is given? -Challenges faced by investigators.

Drug Development & Clinical Trials Do we have enough Indian data? How can regulators help in alternate drug scheduling & investigators studies. Do we need separate regulatory approaches for Industry sponsored versus investigator studies.

Charitable hospitals. Pillar of support to the last mile. Why we need them and how can they help more

Charitable hospitals. Pillar of support to the last mile. Why we need them and how can they help more

Panel Discussion - Palliative Care & End of life care, Where are we now now and is India ready for it? What are the ground realities and challenges in Palliative Care set ups?

Public Private Partnership in cancer care. How this can help and how it can be taken forward?

Role of Media in addressing cancer

Central Govt. schemes, Ayushman Bharat, PMJAY, State Govt. schemes- Success and failure stories, How often do we need to revise. Issues faced by private practitioners with the Doctors, Central Govt., State Govt., Bureaucrats.

Panel Discussion - Stronger Together. Industry & Cancer patients & Caregivers.

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