CRSF Constitution


The name of the organization is `Cancer Research and Statistical Foundation’, hereinafter referred to as CRSF.


The purpose of forming the group is to promote such other educational, medical and charitable object or objects as the Trustees may think fit and proper in their absolute discretion from time to time provided that the Trust property shall be utilized as aforesaid for charitable purposes and as hereafter provided for the benefit of the general public irrespective of consideration of any caste, creed, community religion, race or sex.


Individual members who participate in the medical/ administrative conduct of group projects. Applicants devoting more than 50% of their professional time to Oncology will be eligible for a Full membership. Applicants devoting less than 50% of their time to Oncology will be eligible for an Associate Membership. Applicants pursuing a postgraduate course in oncology will be eligible for a full membership.

Full Members

Full members have the following privileges (with the exception previously mentioned)

  • Participation in protocol design and coordination.
  • Registration and treatment of patients on appropriate CRSF protocols.
  • Protocol studies (Licensed Physicians only).
  • Election or appointment to any position and/or any Committee of the CRSF.
  • Full voting rights.

Associate Members

Associate members will have the following privileges

  • Registration and treatment of patients on appropriate CRSF protocols.
  • Receipt of drugs allocated to the CRSF to conduct CRSF protocol studies (Licensed Physicians only).
  • Appointment to any position and/or any Committee of the CRSF by invitation only.
  • No voting rights.


Affirmation of Integrity, Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality statements must be signed along with the application form.

A member is expected to attend at least one meeting of the CRSF every year.

They are also expected to propose and help investigate new ideas and concepts in the various disciplines of Oncology.