6th Annual International Breast Cancer Conference

6th Annual International Breast Cancer Conference - Hall A - 18th Nov 2022

Welcome & Introduction

Molecular profiling in diffuse large B cell lymphomas

Role of autologous transplant and CART therapy for DLBCL

How I treat relapse refractory DLBCL

Novel & Targeted agents in Gastric Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer Newer Treatment options

Novel Agents & targets in HCC

Update on Management of Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer

Sequencing of therapies in te management of mCRPC

New age Management of Prostate Cancer a focus on PARP inhibitors

Selection of Rx for RCC Adjuvant & 1st line Rx in metastatic disease

2nd Line options in renal Cell cancer

First Line Immunotherapy in the management of RCC

Panel Discussion-metastatic RCC

Current Treatment Landscape in First line Urothelial Cancer

Overall survival at its core The new ABC (Avelumab in Bladder Cancer)

Panel Discussion-Management of Advance Bladder Cancer

Advances in Novel Formulations of Taxanes

Panel Discussion-Management of Prostate Cancer

Closing Remarks

Molecular profiling in diffuse large B cell lymphomas

Role of autologous transplant and CART therapy for DLBCL

Novel & Targeted agents in Gastric Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer Newer Treatment options

Novel Agents & targets in HCC

Update on Management of Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer

Sequencing of therapies in te management of mCRPC

New age Management of Prostate Cancer a focus on PARP inhibitors

Selection of Rx for RCC Adjuvant & 1st line Rx in metastatic disease

2nd Line options in renal Cell cancer

First Line Immunotherapy in the management of RCC

Panel Discussion-metastatic RCC

Current Treatment Landscape in First line Urothelial Cancer

Overall survival at its core The new ABC (Avelumab in Bladder Cancer)

Panel Discussion-Management of Advance Bladder Cancer

Advances in Novel Formulations of Taxanes

Panel Discussion-Management of Prostate Cancer