Radiation Workshop

Radiation Workshop - Hall D - 13 Feb 2022

Welcome & Introduction

Preservation of axillary lymph nodes compared to complete dissection in T1 T2 breast cancer patients preservating 1 2 netastatic sentinel lymph nodes

Cardiovascular disease risk of breast cancer therapies by BMI the pathways heart study

Avoidance of radiotherapy for low risk early breast cancer using LUMINA Trial criteria and accounting for endocrine therapy adherence

Safety of conservative surgery with accelerated partial breast re irradiation for isolated ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence regardless of immunohistochemical subtype

Locoregional Treatment De Escalation In Breast Cancer Radiotherapy

Can radiation replace ALND after positive SLNB

Refining axillary management after neoadjuvant chemotherapy what does the evidence support

Can genomic risk be used to tailor radiation therapy

Life After Breast cancer The State of the Heart

Fine Tuning Risk Assessment & Risk Reduction Lifestyle Exercise & Diet

Acupuncture for Breast Cancer patients

Monitoring of advanced breast cancer with liquid biopsies can we demonstrate a clinical utility

Breast cancer clinical subtypes in brain metastases patients from a prospective registry of advanced breast cancer

Response according to revised RANO criteria is associated with overall survival in breast cancer patients with leptomeningeal metastasis

Local therapy of the primary tumor in de novo stage IV breast cancer

Panel Discussion Nuances of locoregional therapy and their impact on survivorship issues

Closing Remarks