Oncology upto Date 2022

Webinar - Oncology upto Date 2022 - 23 March 2022

Welcome & Introduction

New Treatment approaches in HER2 +ve Metastatic Breast Cancer

Recent developments in the management of ER+ HER2 metastatic brerast cancer

Panel Discussion | Do you think the treatment paradigm is rapidly evolving for patients with HR+ HER2- aBC?

Experience sharing on Durvalumab in ES-SCLC

Role of Dual I-O therapy in treatment of 1L mNSCLC

Optimizing Treatment for first line NSCLC

CERITINIB A FRONTier in the 1st Line treatment of ALK+ve NSCLC

Making Critical Decisions in the Treatment of EGFRm NSCLC

Closing Remarks